THE ADVANCE - Bottom Line Growth 
Hacks & Secrets for Builders and Contractors
April 2-3, 2020
Ft Myers, FL
What you will get out of THE ADVANCE:
  • ​Boost your bottom line without hiring more people or finding more customers.
  • Triage the "profit bleeds" that are causing you to hemorrhage cash.
  • ​Uncover the hidden "opportunity costs" that don't show up on an invoice or your bank account, but are hammering your bottom line.
  • ​Learn how to "schedule for revenue" and reduce cycle times on your projects.
  • ​Maximize the productivity of your workforce by employing military leadership strategies used in the war on terror.
  • ​Learn how to properly "nail the handoff" of a project to reduce mistakes, chaos and rework.
  • ​Uncover how to set up a process that will eliminate "unsolicited charity": Doing work for free and paying trade partners money you don't have to.
  • ​Discover how you can leverage your suppliers so you can save time and boost margins.
  • ​Learn a few ways you can turn your accounts payables into a profit center.
  • ​A few insider tips you can use to reduce your overhead costs.
  • ​Uncover some of the costly sales mistakes you're making, and how to fix them so you can sell at higher margins.
  • ​Military principles and strategies used during war on terror in the middle east that will help your construction crews operate at a high level and produce great work.
  • ​A live two day Mastermind meeting with Todd Dawalt and small group of other construction business owners like you.
  •  An opportunity for you to have an "off site" meeting for your company, where you can get clarity on your business, and the inspiration to take your business to the next level.
  • ​You'll create relationships with other construction business owners from around the country.
  • ​Time and space for you to work on your business, instead of just working in your business.
  • ​Get AWAY for a couple of days so you can get AHEAD with your construction business.
  • ​You'll also get complimentary access to FAILCON, where you'll hear about the biggest mistakes a few construction business owners you can avoid them!
FOR $1,297 ONLY $597.**
  • ​I'm ready to uncover and solve the hidden mindset blocks and things in my blind spot that are holding me back.
  • ​I'm ready to discover the real root causes of the problems I'm dealing with right now AND figure out how to solve them.
  • ​I'm ready to spend a full day with other construction business owners just like me, whom I can learn from and network with. (This is probably the best part...)
  • ​I'm ready to move past the mundane day-to-day operations so I can focus on my big picture goals...why I started the business in the first place!
  • ​I'm ready to learn strategies I can use to sell work at higher margins, and have the ideal backlog.
  • ​I ready to have clarity on the critical few things I need to focus on to get to the next level.
  • ​I want to have the tools I need to eliminate chaos, streamline operations and boost productivity in the field.
  • ​I understand that this live mastermind event will be transformative to my business and my family by taking advantage of the special offer listed below.
Register for THE ADVANCE - Bottom Line Growth 
Hacks & Secrets for Builders and Contractors
Register now for $1,297 only $597.  
Save enough to pay for your airfare AND your hotel!
What other people are saying:
"The most impactful part of The Advance for us was learning how to sell on value and not focus on selling a price. Learning how to sell value to our clients has completely changed how our business functions and views prospective clients. Now that we are doing this, we are finally making the money that we deserve to be making."  Matt J and Katyana R, Quebec

"My tank is full after spending 2 days with Todd Dawalt and a small group of like-minded individuals at The Advance. I was hesitant to register, but there was something stirring inside me telling me that I needed to attend.  I had the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).  I am so glad that I made the investment...It was everything I expected and more.  I encourage you to sign up for the next won't regret it."  Barry C, Kentucky

"Todd, you're a hell of a teacher. Thanks again for putting on this class, and I look forward to many more in the future."  Johnny H, Alabama 

"I would definitely recommend coming to THE ADVANCE. It allowed me to look at our business in a whole new light. I really think it's going to help us take it (our business) to the next level."  Justin McCullers, Jacksonville, FL

"The content was rich, plus being able to talk to all the different people that have the same problems as me. Really enjoyed it.  Thumbs up. Five stars."  Jesse Lane, Jacksonville, FL
Join Todd Dawalt LIVE in Fort Myers, FL 
on April 2-3, 2020 for THE ADVANCE.
Spend two full days with Todd and other construction business owners and take your business to the next level.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is THE ADVANCE going to be held?  The Westin Cape Coral Resort in Cape Coral, FL.

Are discounted hotel rooms available at the venue? Yes.  I have negotiated a block of rooms for $189 per night at The Westin.  You'll get details for making reservations after you register for The ADVANCE.

Which airport should I fly into? The Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) is about 20 miles from the venue.

When is THE ADVANCE? April 2nd and 3rd, 2020

Can I bring my spouse or business partner to the mastermind sessions? 
Absolutely.  Discounted pricing may still be available for your "plus one."

Can I extend my stay and turn this into a long weekend vacation? I absolutely would if I were you.

Can I use this as an offsite meeting or strategic retreat for my leadership team?  Absolutely.  It's a great opportunity to get your team away from the daily dumpster fires, and think strategically.

How many people will be at this event?  Seating is limited to 30 people for this event...and they will probably go fast.

What will be the itinerary for THE ADVANCE? 
Wednesday 4/1 - I'm planning an informal meetup for drinks and networking, and dinner for whomever is interested.
Thursday 4/2 - Training session from 8am - 4pm, followed by breakouts and happy hour networking.
Friday 4/3 - Training session from 9am - noon. FAILCON is scheduled from 2pm - 5pm.

When does the price go up?  When the timer hits zero.

What is the 10X Your Investment Guarantee? Attend the entire event and if you don't feel like you'll make at least 10X your registration fee back in the next 12 months, just let me know before the end of the second day and I'll issue you a full refund.

Have a different question?  Email or call or text me at 859.667.2015.